Sunday, 8 July 2018
On Sunday we started the journey at 6:30am. We stopped at a gas station every two hours to make a little break to eat and drink.
At 3pm we arrived at the harbor and at 5pm we left France with the ferry. Being on the ferry was very nice because we saw a lot of seagulls, the sea was very beautiful and the sun was shining.
Later we saw a man feeding the birds with some crisps. He held them up and the birds came to him to take a piece. They came very close, so we could take real good pictures. When we went in, we saw a shop where we could buy sweets, souvenirs, something to drink and many more things.
At 6 pm we arrived in Dover and our bus took us to Southwick, which is near Brighton. On the way we saw a lot of cows, sheep and horses which were very cute. At about 9 pm (10pm in Germany) we met our host families at a lorry park near the sea. Then we brought our suitcases to the cars and rode to our host families’ homes. We had only a host mother who was very friendly and who made us something to eat. We had pizza, noodle salad and potatoes with cream. After dinner we went to our room and fell asleep immediately.
Aline Fischer and Helen Hammer (8c)
Monday, 9 July 2018: First day in England: The Seven Sisters and Eastbourne
Monday was our first day in England. It was warm and sunny. The bus picked us up at 8 o’clock and we drove to a supermarket. There we bought our lunch packet for the day. Then we drove to the “Seven Sisters” which are chalk cliffs between Eastbourne and Seaford. When we arrived there we first went down to the water and took some pictures and just enjoyed the time there. After enjoying this beautiful scenery we started hiking. We hiked about two and a half hours. Now and then we took some breaks and sat down for eating and drinking because it was very warm and there was nearly no wind. After our hike we brought into Eastbourne where we had some free time for shopping, visiting the town or just relaxing at the beach. Eastbourne is a town with 102.000 habitants, many hotels and a long pebble beach. Some of us ate the best “fish and chips” there.
Leonie Allinger (8c), Elisa König (8d), Katharina Matz (8d), Jelena Polixa (8d)
Tuesday, 10 July 2018: Portsmouth
On Tuesday we met at 8am at the meeting point. Then we travelled to Portsmouth, which took us around 1 and a half hours. There we went through Gun Wharf Quays and then we split up into groups and three and more for our town rally. We could also visit the HMS Victory and other interesting things and it was great because we could manage our time on our own within the groups. While doing the town rally we were also able to go shopping a bit, grab some food or just enjoy nice places in town. At 4:30 we were on our way back home when someone realized that she lost her mobile. We went back and did not really believe it: Mrs Nümann and Mrs Korn found her mobile at the information centre. We were so relieved. At around 7pm our host families picked us up or we went home.
Nele Hinrichs (8c), Alona Held (8d), Emma Bischoff (8c), Melissa Grauer (8c), Charlotte Herzog (8d)
Wednesday: London with the English Club
We went to London on Wednesday at 7.30 and arrived there at around 11. After we had found our parking space in an underground garage, we got out at the Tower of London which would be our first sight to visit here.
A few friends of mine and I walked through all of the outer towers first, then took a break in the small park within the Tower. After that we went to see the armors, but unfortunately it had been closed, so we went to the souvenir shop where I saw lots of medieval stuff like helmets of knights as a cup and a lot of other cool things to buy. But as I only had a few pounds to spend, I bought two magnets. After our little shopping trip, we saw the torture chamber which was actually a little bit disappointing. But when we left the Tower as a group we made some cool photos in front of Tower Bridge and took our boat trip along the river Thames. The cool thing about London is that you can see almost all of London's sights on such a boat trip. The guy on the boat was nice, he told us a lot about old bridges and the sights along the river and we learned a lot.
When we got off the boat at the Parliament, we couldn't see Big Ben´s Tower. Why?- you might ask. Because there was so much scaffolding that you couldn't even see the tower.
But we walked along the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben´s Tower and Westminster Abbey, which looks amazing. When we left Westminster Abbey we walked up Downing Street, the home of the Prime Minister. We also crossed Trafalgar Square and walked through St. James Park which directly led us to the Queen Victoria memorial and Buckingham Palace. We then walked down The Mall, a very long street, and had some free time at Leicester Square, where I had a burger.
This marked the end of our day there and the highlight of the whole trip.
By Florian Koch (8c) , Eduard Ladner (8c) and Leander Supiran (9a)
Thursday 12 July 2018
Am Donnerstag waren wir gemeinsam in Brighton. Wir parkten nahe der Innenstadt und liefen danach entlang der Promenade zum Pier. Neben dem Pier machten wir unseren Treffpunkt aus und liefen anschließend gemeinsam zum Royal Pavilion. Nach kurzer Wartezeit begann unsere einstündige Führung, in der wir unter anderem die große Küche, den Flur, dessen Wände mit Bambus nach britischer Vorstellung verziert waren und den mit Drachen ausgeschmückten, im chinesischem Stil gehaltenen Speisesaal. Nach der Führung hatten wir fünf Stunden Freizeit, in welcher man viel Verschiedenes machen konnte. Es gab einmal die große Mall, in der es unter anderem Levis und Topshop gab. Alternativ konnte man natürlich auch ans Meer gehen und einfach nur die Sonne genießen oder seine Zeit auf dem großen Pier vertreiben. Dort gab es nicht nur Achterbahnen, Karusselle und ähnliches sondern auch große Spielhallen. Für nur 5 Pfund wurden hier von zwei Schülern sogar gleich zwei ,,Zuhälteruhren“ gewonnen, gut investiertes Geld ☺. Kurz vor unserer Abreise gab es dann auch noch die Chance gemeinsam mit Frau Nümann und Frau Korn das vermutlich einzig leckere aus der britischen ,,Küche“ zu probieren: „Fish and Chips“. Gut gesättigt wurden wir alle dann von unserem Bus abgeholt und fuhren um ca.17 Uhr in Richtung Dover los. Die gepackten Koffer waren natürlich schon im Bus, da wir diese bereits morgens mitgebracht hatten, von unseren Gastfamilien hatten wir uns ebenfalls bereits Donnerstag morgens verabschieden müssen. Abschließend kann man sagen, dass wir einen ereignisreichen, sonnigen letzten Tag in Brighton verbracht haben.
Sebastian Dirbach (9c)